Dear Friend,
A free society can be sustained only by a robust moral and cultural foundation. At the same time, our religious institutions are in urgent need of sound guidance to help them navigate an increasingly secular culture.
As profound crises and novel ethical questions challenge our faith communities and our religious convictions, EPPC’s scholars work to provide a sure and faithful account of the truth about the human person and the religious roots of our society.
Take a look at just some of the work featured in our new 2022 Annual Report:
- An integral part of EPPC for more than thirty years, the Catholic Studies program explores issues at the intersection of Catholicism and public life, deepening public knowledge of Catholic social thought and enriching the intellectual life of the Church. Led by George Weigel, who in 2022 published his twenty-ninth book, To Sanctify the World: The Vital Legacy of Vatican II, the scholars in Catholic Studies, including Mary FioRito and Francis X. Maier, are essential and influential voices in public debates about the Catholic Church, its internal dynamics, and the implications of its teaching for public policy and law.
- American religious life is at a crossroads, as government, culture, and industry continue to threaten religious expression and belief. The Evangelical community plays a crucial role in representing believers in the public square, providing moral and ethical guidance, and defending the right to live as people of faith in both public and private spheres. Director Andrew T. Walker, fellows Carl Trueman and Brad Littlejohn, and postdoctoral fellow Nathanael Blake, all published extensive public commentary and scholarship on the issues facing believers.
- For almost a quarter century, EPPC’s Faith Angle Forum, directed by Josh Good, has convened groups of journalists to explore critical issues of culture, politics, and history, examined through the lens of religion in conversation with leading theologians, scholars, and clergy. This nationally recognized program equips mainstream reporters and editors to better understand religion and its role in the public square, offering forums outside the pressures of D.C. and New York newsrooms and inviting journalists into substantive engagement with these topics and relevant experts.
- Mary Rice Hasson directs EPPC’s Person and Identity Project, dedicated to supporting families and faith-based institutions as they oppose gender ideology and promote the truth about the human person. The rapid cultural embrace of gender ideology has left Americans, even devout religious believers, confused about sexual identity. Many religious Americans erroneously believe that compassion requires affirming mistaken “transgender” identities and assenting to a view of the human person opposed to the historic teachings of Christianity. Families need guidance, and clergy and staff often feel ill-equipped to provide it. The Person and Identity Project responds to this urgent need, guiding religious institutions as they promote a Christian vision of the person and navigate complicated legal questions.
EPPC promotes the truth about human nature, consistently speaking the truth in the public square about human nature, faithful citizenship, and the deep religious basis of our common life together—and our work is continuing this year.
Most recently, Mary FioRito organized dozens of female Catholic medical professionals in an open letter affirmed their support for Catholic teaching on abortion.
And this fall, EPPC is joining with The Public Interest Fellowship to launch the Richard John Neuhaus Fellowship, a graduate-level program in Washington, D.C. that explores the Judeo-Christian tradition and its role in shaping public policy and the mediating institutions of civil society.
It’s a privilege for me to lead our devoted staff and accomplished scholars. With the help of our courageous supporters, we’ll continue to equip religious and political leaders alike with the philosophical and practical tools they need to face contemporary challenges to human dignity.
I hope you’ll enjoy the report, which you can find here. Thank you again.

Ryan T. Anderson