Friend, when we have fair courts… ✔️ Abusive law enforcement officials are held accountable for unjustified violence ✔️ Our right to vote is protected from attack ✔️ Laws protecting consumers and working people are enforced ✔️ People have better access to legally protected health care, including abortion care ✔️ We can more effectively address climate change That’s exactly why the Far Right has spent decades rigging our court system in their favor — and why we have to take them back. With the help of his Republican rubber stamp majority in the Senate, Donald Trump appointed 231 judges — a total topping any first-term president since Jimmy Carter. Trump’s appointments flipped the balance of several appeals courts, and are poised to shape American law for generations. Repairing the damage done to our country by Donald Trump requires repairing our courts. We’re proud to have activated our members and allies to help confirm over 125 fair-minded judges so far during the Biden administration, including Nancy Abudu, a long-time voting and civil rights advocate, who was just confirmed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, and who will be the first Black woman ever to sit on this court. Now we have to continue that great work. Although President Biden has moved faster than most of his predecessors when it comes to judicial confirmations since taking office, there are still nearly 100 vacancies across the federal judiciary at the district and circuit court levels. The heart of the issue? Republican obstruction. We have a grassroots campaign underway calling on senators to prioritize judicial nominations, fill these vacancies, and repair our courts.
But a campaign like this is a huge undertaking — and it’ll require the support of People For members like you to make the biggest impact. Thank you for your support, Paul Gordon