Brian Kemp just signed extremists’ Board of Elections takeover bills into law in three counties this month. 

We want to talk about Governor Brian Kemp’s most recent anti-voter actions in Georgia and what Fair Fight is doing to mitigate their impact.

First, here’s the problem: Brian Kemp just signed extremists’ Board of Elections takeover bills into law in three counties this month — which would remove lawfully appointed Black members and Democrats from their ranks.

Among these laws is HB 422, which allowed the Republican-led Ware County Commission to remove Shawn Taylor, a Black Democrat, from the Board of Elections and replace her with a conservative board member. And this is part of a larger trend — in recent years, anti-voter Republicans in Georgia have introduced more than 18 bills aimed at dramatically altering the composition of local Boards of Elections.

Following record-breaking turnout by Black, brown, and young voters since the 2020 presidential and 2021 runoff elections, these laws continue a string of coordinated efforts by Republicans nationwide to deny voters a voice and overturn the results of democratically held elections. As we gear up for the 2024 elections, where all eyes will be on Georgia once again, it’s clear that Republicans are laying the foundation NOW to maintain — and gain — their power through anti-democratic tactics.

Here’s how we’re fighting back: We’re reaching voters to educate them about their rights and mobilize them to push back against Republicans’ attempts to subvert elections.

It’s essential that voters in counties affected by Republican Board of Elections takeovers know how to get involved in the decisions that impact how they vote, when they vote, and how to ensure their votes count. Just this week, our efforts to advocate for pro-voter, diverse Board of Elections leadership paid off when Fulton County appointed Patrise Perkins-Hooker, a Black woman, as their Chair — after county commissioners attempted to rush the nomination process without any community input. Additionally, we’re continuing to train our Democracy Watch volunteers to advocate for voting access in County Board of Elections meetings, push back on anti-voter efforts, and monitor voter suppression efforts.

And here’s how you can help: In order to continue Fair Fight’s work to protect our democracy in Georgia, we rely on your support from emails just like this one. Will you please rush a donation right away to help stop anti-voter extremists and protect free and fair elections in Georgia, and across the country?

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The Fair Fight Team