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This week’s “Flag March” was an obscene spectacle.

Almost every year, on “Jerusalem Day,” far-right Israeli ethno-nationalists march through the Muslim quarter of the city. For too many of them, it’s a show of force designed to harass, taunt and intimidate Palestinian residents. Many come from the settlements just for the occasion.

This year, men once again chanted “Death to Arabs” and “a second Nakba is coming” as they banged the shutters of Palestinian shops and homes forced to close for the occasion. Boys and teenagers chanted “may your village burn.” Crowds hurled bottles at journalists and Palestinian residents.

This year, they were joined by more than half a dozen members of the Netanyahu government -- including ‘Jewish Power’ leader and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Flag March

Friends -- As a former Israeli diplomat and soldier who has proudly represented my homeland, this march defiles everything I would hope the Israeli flag to stand for.

This is not upholding Israel’s founding values of equality, justice and peace. This is not the image of a healthy, thriving and pluralistic democracy. This is incitement, harassment, division and state-sponsored bullying.

Those who truly care about a peaceful, just and democratic future for Israel cannot afford to ignore the growing threat that right-wing, pro-settlement, anti-democratic forces pose to both Israel’s founding ideals and the values at the heart of the US-Israel relationship.

At J Street, we take that responsibility seriously. If you share those concerns and our vision for a better future, I hope you’ll consider a contribution to support our work.

We know it’s not just marches, it’s policy too: Policies that take an axe to the strength and independence of the Israeli judiciary. Policies that limit religious pluralism and police Jewish identity. Policies that tear down schools and homes and clinics on Palestinian land to make way for yet more settlements and outposts.

Together, we’re pressing American leaders to draw clear red lines against the Netanyahu government’s anti-democratic agenda, and to take meaningful action in pursuit of peace, freedom and equality for both peoples.

We’re asking our leaders to stand with the Israelis and Palestinians who joined together to counter-protest the flag march this week. With the Israelis who have been out on the streets week in, week out, to protest in defense of democratic freedoms.

A true commitment to the US-Israel relationship and to Israel’s security must involve standing up for the democratic values at the core of that relationship -- and that includes pursuing a lasting peace that can finally end this needless cycle of injustice, violence and conflict.

If that work matters to you, please consider a contribution of any amount to fuel our work toward a better future.


Nadav Tamir
Executive Director, J Street Israel

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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