U.S. appeals court has rejected requests to reconsider the ruling that upheld the repeal of net neutrality. Here’s what’s next:


Late last night, a U.S. appeals court rejected a request to reconsider the FCC’s repeal of net neutrality.1

And while the appeal could go to the Supreme Court, we know the odds are stacked against us there.

Our only options are to win net neutrality fights in states, and to keep building support in Congress. Send an emergency net neutrality donation right now to fight for a free and open Internet!

When the court originally ruled on the net neutrality repeal in October of last year, they threw out the part of the rule that blocks states from enacting their own state protections. This gives us a huge opening.

It means we can work to pass strong net neutrality rules state by state all over the country, just like we did in California. If enough states pass similar laws, we'll basically win net neutrality by default, because ISPs don’t want to have one set of rules for some states, and different rules for others.

We were instrumental in the fight for net neutrality in California, so we know what it takes. And we’re already eyeing fights in other states like New York and Maryland. But if we’re going to be able to launch major state efforts to win back net neutrality from the grasp of Comcast, Verizon, and Ajit Pai, we’re going to need your support.

Can you chip in to let us know you’re ready to throw down in the state fight for net neutrality?

For the Internet,

Evan at Fight for the Future


1. Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-internet/u-s-appeals-court-will-not-reconsider-net-neutrality-repeal-case-idUSKBN20032K


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