Thanks to your support, Our Revolution helped Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison fend off multiple extreme challengers bankrolled by police unions. In that role, he overcame systemic barriers to convict police officer Derek Chauvin for brutally murdering George Floyd.
While on the case, Keith kept a diary which he is now releasing as a book with a forward from George Floyd's brother Philonise called Breaking the Wheel: Ending the Cycle of Police Violence.
Since Our Revolution was so critical to helping Keith overcome police unions and win re-election, Keith is offering Our Revolution supporters a special deal! Donate $35 or more, and we'll send you a signed copy of Keith Ellison's new book!
Keith said he wrote this book to make sure that future organizers fighting for change had "a historical account and a guide to officials when faced with a case of police misconduct."
Without Our Revolution helping Keith Ellison win elections for attorney general (last fall by less than 21,000 votes), he wouldn't be doing this incredibly important work to expose systemic bias and model how to overcome it.
America needs a clear dialogue around true public safety and police reform. That’s why Keith will be joining us for a deep dive into this critical topic on our LIVE Call Monday Night.
Click here to reserve your signed copy of Keith Ellison's new book with a donation of $35 or more!
When we organize, we win. Our Revolution
