We’ve seen how when Fair Fight Action activists come together, we have the power to stop extremists in their tracks. 

I’m reaching out with an update from Georgia: Governor Brian Kemp signed TWO anti-voter bills into law this month.

This is Kemp’s latest attack on our democracy, but it’s certainly not his last. The Fair Fight Action team works day in and day out to fight back against anti-voter measures and advocate for legislation that will lift up voters’ voices. But it’s only possible because of activists like you, so I’m asking:

Will you chip in $5, $25, or anything you can swing to help respond to future anti-voter attacks in Georgia and beyond?


If you need a bit more convincing, I’ll tell you more about what we’re up against:

During this year’s legislative session, extremists introduced numerous bills attempting to silence our voices and attack our elections — particularly for Black and brown voters who often already overcome immense barriers to the ballot box. While we were successful in mobilizing activists to stop the majority of these anti-voter bills, SB 222 and SB 92 made it onto Kemp’s desk.

These laws will criminalize hardworking elections officials, deny them necessary funds for our elections, and create a state commission to target and remove democratically elected district attorneys. They’re unfair, they’re undemocratic, and they’re shameful.

We’ve seen how when Fair Fight Action activists come together, we have the power to stop extremists in their tracks. But there’s a great deal of preparation that goes into ensuring that we can respond quickly and effectively to these anti-voter attempts — so that’s why I’m asking for your support right away.

Please chip in $5, $25, or any other amount today to support Fair Fight Action’s efforts to respond to — and stop — future attempts to suppress the freedom to vote.


Thanks for your support,

Maya Castillo
Director of Voter Protection, Fair Fight Action

P.S. — I totally get it if you're not in a position to donate today. If that’s the case for you, will you please forward this message to 3 friends and ask them to make a contribution to Fair Fight Action’s efforts?