
By voting to convict Trump, Doug Jones has once again shown that he isn’t afraid to do what’s right. That’s why we need to keep him in the Senate in 2020.

When he stood up for democracy and the rule of law by voting to convict President Trump, he did so knowing that it would not be the politically-expedient move.

As Senators, we are given many opportunities to prove who we are — and who we are not. Alabama needs a strong and independent-minded leader like Doug Jones.

Republicans will do everything they can to remove Doug from the Senate in 2020, but contrary to how they feel, Alabama doesn’t belong to them. By donating now to support Doug’s reelection bid, you can send a message to the GOP that voters everywhere deserve true courage. Not sycophancy.

Click here to help Doug fight back against Republican attacks:

Let’s keep Doug Jones in the United States Senate,






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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125