Countless animals are killed and harvested for clothing and leather
products year-round. Minks, foxes, crocodiles, and snakes — their
existence is threatened by the fashion and textile industry. Even if
the clothing does not contain animal hide or fur, the fashion industry
is one of the world’s largest polluters.
EARTHDAY.ORG’s merchandise is made with natural materials
that are never animal-derived. We take it a step further by
printing low waste in the UK and using
plastic-free packaging.
Show your support for ethical and sustainable
clothing by checking out our new design for Endangered Species
Day. Use the code MAY10 for 10% off starting from 5/19 to
Proceeds go to supporting our numerous initiatives such as
improving environmental education through Climate
and Environmental Literacy, aiding forest restoration projects
such as The
Canopy Project, or reducing plastic pollution through The
Great Global Cleanup.
This year’s Endangered Species Day celebrates the 50th anniversary
of the Endangered Species Act, a piece of legislation that was aimed
at conserving threatened species and identifying critical habitats in
need of protection. Animals from the land, water, and sky all face
dwindling population numbers.
Help our planet and support EARTHDAY.ORG's
mission to build the world's largest environmental
For a better future,
Kathleen Rogers President