MARCH ON is dedicated to increasing voter turnout and driving Democrats to the polls. Our data-driven solutions led the way for progressive victories in 2020 and 2022. Now, we're gearing up to stop Trump’s comeback in 2024.

Friend, happy Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month!


Each week of May, we’re highlighting an inspiring AAPI woman in politics who has made an impact on the fight for lasting progressive change.


Today, we’re celebrating Representative Pramila Jayapal of Seattle, Washington!

Representative Jayapal won her election to Congress in 2016 – and in the two elections following, she was re-elected with more votes than any other House representative.


Upon her victory, Jayapal became the first Indian American woman to serve in the House of Representatives, as well as the first Asian-American to represent Washington in the federal government.


Jayapal has made waves in Congress as the current chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. She is an original sponsor of the Medicare for All Act – which she just reintroduced to Congress – as well as the author of the College for All Act, which would make higher education accessible to all Americans.


During the Trump Administration, Jayapal was a vocal opponent of the administration’s damaging immigration policies, and led the Congressional effort to reverse former President Trump’s immigration reforms upon President Biden’s inauguration.

Prior to her work in Congress, Jayapal founded the advocacy group OneAmerica to help register new American citizens to vote and push for immigration reform. She was also a key member of the Mayoral Advisory Committee that brought a $15 minimum wage to Seattle. Jayapal’s work led to her recognition as a “Champion of Change” by President Obama’s administration in 2013.


Friend, remember: Progressive leaders like Pramila Jayapal were elected thanks to the tireless activism and organizing by grassroots supporters like you!

Check back next week to read our profile on another AAPI woman in politics.


Thank you for celebrating AAPI Heritage Month with us!



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