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Questioning Four Types
of Power

Power dynamics underlie broader discussions on critical topics like systems change, equity, and justice. Whether we talk about it or not, it’s there – and increasing our awareness of how it shows up can make us more effective social changemakers.


Introduction to Expanding the Bench for Culturally Responsive and Equitable Evaluation

Does your organization value diversity, inclusion and equity? How are those values reflected in your organization’s approach to learning and evaluation? Expanding the Bench (ETB) is based on the belief that learning and evaluation have the power to shape policy, programs, and practice and that evaluators from diverse communities increase the likelihood that methods, analyses, and interpretation benefit the communities they serve.

On February 25, join this complimentary partner webinar with ETB’s co-directors to learn more about this groundbreaking initiative.

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Upcoming Events

February 13 | Online
Family Philanthropy: Tying Grantmaking Practices to Shared Values

February 25 | Online
Introduction to Expanding the Bench for Culturally-Responsive and Equitable Evaluation

February 25 | Online
Designing Agile & Equitable Granting Systems

February 27 | Minneapolis
Collaborative Communication Workshop (PEAK Minnesota)

March 9-11 | Seattle
PEAK2020: Courage in Practice


Weekly Reads

“While [evaluation] is a valuable feedback loop, it does not, however, answer a simple question: How are we doing overall? On the surface, this question seems like it should be an easy one to answer. We examine how many grants we made and how many dollars we spent. We assess how well the work we’ve funded aligns with our strategic goals. While all of this is important and addresses what we have done, it doesn’t get to the question posed above: How are we doing? And more importantly, how do the organizations we work most closely with — our grantees — think we are doing?”  [more]
—Barbara Leonard, president and CEO of the Maine Health Access Foundation, in CEP blog

Tending to your altar in 2020: “As we enter a new decade, we wanted to share an invitation for introspection and reflection. What will you bring forward and what will you let go of?”  [more]
—Lupe Poblano, on Compass Point blog

“Mentoring pays dividends in many ways. But how do you do well and make it matter most for you and others? The answers may surprise you.”  [more]
—Fast Company
PEAK Grantmaking
1666 K St NW Ste 440
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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