What's happening at the Minnesota Legislature? Register for our May 23 webinar and get the scoop on major energy and climate outcomes.
Want to learn more? Join Fresh Energy policy experts on May 23 for a webinar to discuss why this year was the biggest yet for clean energy and climate. Register here!
Out and about with Michael and Brenda
Fresh Energy's leadership transition is underway! Check out what Michael Noble and Brenda Cassellius have been up to during their shared time at Fresh Energy.
Join us for the celebration of the summer!
Get your tickets for 100% FRESH on June 8 to toast Michael Noble’s "rewirement," Fresh Energy’s bright future, and so much more. Capacity is limited, be sure to purchase your tickets in advance.
Welcome John to the Energy Access and Equity team
John Vaughn brings years of experience working with communities across Minnesota to Fresh Energy and will grow our work advancing a just and equitable energy transition through clean energy financing and beyond.
Midwest coalition emphasizes environmental justice for federal funding
The Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition is leading a group of clean energy, equity, and climate advocacy organizations in the critical work of filing comments on federal environmental justice and climate initiatives.
In case you missed it, the EPA announced new proposed regulations for coal- and gas-fired power plants. “In the 25 years I have been engaging in EPA policies related to power plants, this is the most ambitious yet," said Fresh Energy's J. Drake Hamilton.
The Cardinal-Hickory Creek Transmission Line will help deliver more clean energy while providing greater resilience to the electric grid. Read the full statement from Fresh Energy and our partners at MCEA and Clean Grid Alliance.
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