If you haven't gotten out there yet, what are you waiting for?! The spring wild turkey hunting season is Monday, May 1 through Saturday, June 3. Life is busy... but the second you hear that gobble, you'll know you made the right decision.
Consider inviting a friend, coworker, neighbor, or relative along! A simple invitation to join for the morning or night could be the start to a lifelong adventure for them, and maybe even a new hunting buddy for you. Just because they haven't hunted before doesn't mean they aren't interested. Keep them engaged by having them help call, use a range finder, or check for sign.
Reminder that all turkeys must be registered. Wild turkeys can be registered in-person at a registration station or self-registered online.
We hope you have a safe and memorable hunting season!
Looking for a place to hunt?
Maine has over 17 million acres of extraordinary land available to hunters. When it comes to finding where you want to hunt, you have two options: public land and private land.
MDIFW manages over 110,000 acres throughout the state, called Wildlife Management Areas. All MDIFW-owned Wildlife Management Areas (WMA), except Steve Powell WMA (Swan Island) and portions of Steep Falls and Killick Pond WMA, are open for general-law hunting and trapping. Find a WMA near you.
If looking to hunt on private land, always ask for permission. Learn more about hunting on private land.