I’m ready to defend healthcare for everyone in Idaho and the country.



My beautiful home state of Idaho has been in the headlines a lot these last few months – and I’m sad to say it’s not for good reason.


The latest developments stem from Idaho’s EXTREME abortion ban.


Not only have multiple rural Idaho hospitals shut down their labor and childbirth services due to the “political climate,” now the Republican-controlled state legislature has passed a law threatening prison time for anyone who assists certain people in traveling out of state to get an abortion.

A graphic featuring a headline from NBC News from April 6, 2023, which reads: “Idaho becomes one of the most extreme anti-abortion states with law restricting travel for abortions. A bill that prohibits people in Idaho from helping pregnant minors leave the state to obtain abortions became law on Wednesday.”

GOP extremists now have healthcare providers afraid to provide life-saving healthcare, and advocates from helping people travel out of state for a medical procedure.


The implications of hospitals ending labor and delivery services are dire. People who are seeking the necessary medical care for pregnancy and childbirth will now have to travel further, at their own expense, and risk a pregnancy complication turning life-threatening.


Simply put: People are going to die because of these extreme anti-abortion laws.


We knew that overturning Roe v. Wade, ending abortion access, and criminalizing healthcare providers and advocates would have deadly consequences.


The GOP knew it, too. The medical data has supported access to critical healthcare for abortions and miscarriages for decades. Still, Republicans have continued with attack after attack on abortion rights.


Our opponent, Mike Simpson, is one of those Republicans.


After Roe v. Wade was overturned, he said he was “pleased” and called it the “correct decision.”


I’m running to flip ID-02, defeat the anti-abortion extremist Mike Simpson, and defend the right of everyone to make their own healthcare decisions along with their doctors.


Please pitch in today and let’s send Mike Simpson packing. I will stand with women and their healthcare providers by working to codify abortion rights into federal law. Are you with me?


Simpson also joined efforts attacking the FDA and calling for the elimination of the completely safe and effective abortion medication mifepristone.


No government should be legislating your private medical decisions. These reckless, ill-informed actions are endangering womens’ lives. 


Idaho’s Second District deserves a representative who will fight for federal protections, because no one’s human rights and bodily autonomy should vary from state to state.

Let’s flip this seat together.


David Roth


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