Fighting unconstitutional DEI 'loyalty oaths' at the University of California


A growing number of universities use Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statements as job screening tools. The University of California system has baked these statements into its hiring to screen for applicants from minority backgrounds and those committed to a certain view of racial justice.

UC Santa Cruz is remarkably transparent about its use of DEI statements as a condition of employment—a condition that has nothing to do with an applicant’s qualifications and everything to do with their beliefs outside the job opportunity.

Developmental psychologist J.D. Haltigan refuses to feign beliefs he doesn’t share just to be vetted for a job. But he’s not willing to give up his career without a fight, so he’s taking a big swing for liberty and his rights

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KCTV: Federal lawsuit filed against Shawnee, Kansas, over co-living ordinance


A Kansas City television station covered the launch of PLF’s lawsuit on behalf of HomeRoom entrepreneur Johnny Wolff and Shawnee homeowner Val French.

They’re challenging a city ordinance that bans co-living among four or more unrelated people to restore their rights of free association and to establish a private household.

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Daily Journal: Extraterritorial state statutes and the emerging horizontal separation of powers doctrine


On May 11, the Supreme Court issued a somewhat convoluted decision in National Pork Producers Council & American Farm Bureau Federation v. Karen Ross. The case raised a significant question: Can California—or any other state—enact laws that dictate standards and conduct in other states...that is, statutes that are extraterritorial in nature?

While the Court ultimately upheld California’s law, Adi Dynar explains how the ruling lays out a trail for future challenges.

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