
It has been an incredibly challenging few weeks for transgender youth and their families – states across the country have advanced regressive legislation, including extreme bills this month in Missouri, Nebraska, and North Carolina. And just this week the governor of Florida signed a slate of anti-LGBTQ+ bills, including a horrific anti-trans healthcare ban, an expansion of the "Don't Say LGBTQ" law, and a draconian ban on bathroom access for trans people. 

It's devastating that we are living through this unprecedented time of political attack – because we are also experiencing an unprecedented time of public support for LGBTQ+ equality across the South and nationwide. The stories that we're hearing every day are stories of young people coming out and being met with love, parents speaking up for their children, and teachers, faith leaders, and doctors advocating in the best interest of trans and queer children. That support is an extremely powerful force – and we must nurture it and be speaking up about it even as we shed light on attacks. 

That ethos is at the heart of a new mural that debuted last week in Asheville, NC, where the Campaign for Southern Equality is based. Our Southern Equality Studios Director Liz Williams designed the mural and led a talented team of artists on the installation. Check it out below, and please join us in sending its message – that trans youth are powerful and loved:

It's been the worst legislative session on record for transgender youth and their families – and one of the worst ever for LGBTQ+ equality across our country. More than 60 discriminatory bills have become law. More than 75% of trans youth in the South live in a state where an anti-transgender healthcare bill has passed. 

These numbers are sobering – but they do not tell the full story – because they don't capture the love and support and affirmation that so many Southerners hold for transgender youth. They don't take into account the hundreds of people who have supported CSE's Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project, which helps families of trans youth navigate discriminatory healthcare bans and continue their care, even in the face of oppressive laws. 

This new mural is one way to tell the story of resilience and resistance in the South. Please join us by sharing – here on Facebookhere on Instagram, and here on Twitter.

Thank you,
Ivy Hill
Director of Gender Justice
Campaign for Southern Equality
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