ing=true Fellow Conservative,
In a SINGLE DAY after the primary
elections here in Kentucky, Radical Left Democrat Andy Beshear has
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15&recurring=true RUSH $15 TO CATCH UP Folks, I’ll be honest, we’re
being MASSIVELY outraised by the Radical Left machine that is running
Andy Beshears campaign. We can't do this without your help!
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25&recurring=true RUSH $25 TO RETIRE ANDY BESHEAR
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50&recurring=true RUSH $50 TO RETIRE ANDY BESHEAR
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75&recurring=true RUSH $75 TO RETIRE ANDY BESHEAR
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100&recurring=true RUSH $100 TO RETIRE ANDY BESHEAR
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ng=true RUSH ANYTHING TO RETIRE ANDY BESHEAR Radical Left Democrat Andy
Beshear DOES NOT represent the values of Kentuckians.
He’s a wolf in
sheep’s clothing.
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ng=true YOU MUST ACT Andy Beshear shut down our schools, our churches,
and our businesses. He is beholden to coastal elite democrats that want
to destroy our country. We cannot afford four more years of a
tyrannical Beshear administration.
For Kentucky,
Daniel Cameron
Paid for by Daniel Cameron for Kentucky
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