Warning: This email contains a description of a dying person ending their own life.



Friend, in just one week’s time, I’ll be in Parliament sharing what I want the end of my life to look like.


My name’s Suzie, and I live with incurable bone marrow cancer. In my final moments,  I want the choice of an assisted death. I want to say goodbye to my family and my dear friends. I even want to enjoy a final glass of champagne.


But right now, I won’t have a choice. I’m desperate for the law to change in time for me. Because cruelly, I’ve already seen the impact this lack of choice has on dying people.


My dad, George, was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer and secondary tumours in his spine. This caused him immense pain. He made it clear that he would not see out the final days of his illness and took himself to the woods to end his own life. 


My dad had a very lonely death and I’m angry that the current law forced him to take matters into his own hands. That’s why I’m headed to Parliament, along with Prue Leith, to share both of our stories and implore MP’s to make the change that dying people in the UK need to see.

Friend, I’m giving this everything I can to help. Will you do that too? Please, become a member today and play your crucial part in making sure MPs finally listen, and nobody else has to suffer like my dad.

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Now I’m ill myself, having the choice of an assisted death would be like an insurance policy against suffering. It would allow me to live better now, knowing that when the time comes I have a choice.


Under the current law, I'm left to fret over what the end of my life will be like, instead of making the most of what time I do have.


My dad would have loved to have been there with me in Parliament , but I will honour his memory by fighting for a more compassionate law.


For me and my family the future is full of uncertainty. We don’t know what it looks like or what kind of death I will have. There is one thing though, that I know for certain: 

The more people that donate just a few pounds a month to become a member, the greater chance we have of getting more MPs on board and ending this barbaric suffering under the current law. Friend, please help us and become a member today - it takes just 2 minutes.

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Every time someone like you becomes a member, we get one step closer to securing that all important law change.


Along with Prue, I’m ready to fight for this in Parliament. With your help, we can stop me, and others like me, from suffering needlessly.


Thank you so much,



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