From Thea Lee, EPI Policy Center <[email protected]>
Subject A victory for working families
Date February 7, 2020 4:22 PM
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Together, we are fighting for working families.

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It’s been a tough week, but thankfully we have some great news.

Thanks to you, the House of Representatives just voted 224-193 to pass the Protecting the Right to Organize (“PRO”) Act.

The PRO Act is a critical step forward in raising workers’ wages—providing millions of working people with additional protections to organize and collectively bargain a fair return on a day’s work.

And none of this could have been possible without your support, your phone calls, and your effort.

Let’s keep the pressure on! Donate to the EPI Policy Center today to demand the Senate pass this essential legislation to lift up working families. ([link removed])

Hard-working families across the country are having trouble covering their expenses month after month. Meanwhile, CEOs are making 270 times the wages of the average worker. America’s wealth gap is growing and economic inequality is worsening.

The solution: bolster labor unions and raise the pay of all working people.

The PRO Act, introduced by Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Representative Bobby Scott (D-VA), will do just that. It will ensure working families can earn a living wage, have safe and healthy working conditions, and be part of a union that will fight for them.

Stronger unions are critical to rebuilding our middle class. At a time when the Trump administration is working to undermine labor protections that took a century to build, we must enact strong federal legislation to protect the income and benefits of America’s working families.

Now that this crucial legislation has passed the House, together, we must demand a vote in the U.S. Senate. Donate to the EPI Policy Center today to fight to pass the PRO Act and raise the wages of all working people. ([link removed])

Workers want unions.

EPI research has found ([link removed]) there is a huge gap between the share of workers with union representation (just 11.9%) and the share of workers that would like to have a union and a voice on the job (48%).

The PRO Act takes a major step forward in closing that gap by making it easier for workers to come together, through a union, to negotiate fair wages and benefits.

Donate to the EPI Policy Center today to continue the fight for progressive economic policies that protect the rights of working families. ([link removed])

Every working person deserves a good job with fair pay, affordable health care, and retirement security. Thank you for fighting for stronger rights and solid wages for all working people.

In solidarity,

Thea Lee
President, EPI Policy Center
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