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Save Our City

Mayor de Blasio delivered his State of the City speech on Thursday, unveiling the agenda for his seventh year in office, in many ways the final chapter of his mayoralty. He called on New Yorkers to help him “Save Our City”: save it from the loss of neighborhood businesses, the continuing affordability crisis and the threat from climate change.

The forces the mayor described are, to many New Yorkers, very old news. People have been shouting for a long time that the mayor's moves on housing development and homelessness were inadequate, and perhaps even harmful. There've been years of pressure for action to protect small businesses. Others have sounded alarm over the need for more resiliency against the inevitable impact of climate change. One wonders why it took the mayor so long to listen.

However, if there's a chance to get it right now, that might be more valuable than the satisfaction of hearing the mayor admit that his aim was slightly off over his first six years. The agenda de Blasio outlined yesterday includes a lot of common-sense steps. But is it bold enough to meet the challenges the mayor described?

“Save Our City” obviously evokes “Save Our Ship,” the universal maritime distress call. When that call is sounded, every vessel large and small is supposed to race to help. If the city is going to weather these storms, it might borrow something from that metaphor and make sure there is a way to engage the public in shaping the policies we pursue—a place for all New Yorkers, not just in the city, but in the saving.

- Jarrett Murphy, executive editor

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Voices of New York

Two Longtime Polish Shops Close in Changing Greenpoint Retail Scene
Popular grocery store The Garden and Polish butcher shop Sikorski Meat Market closed in 2019, but the neighborhood has also seen new Polish businesses open. Read more. Read more.

Chinese Community Group Seeks to Debunk Coronavirus Confusion
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NY Puerto Ricans Join Anti-Gov’t Protests, Amid Call for New Office to Aid Diaspora
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Una ciudad sin limites

En City Limits comparamos las propuestas de los candidatos en cada uno de estos temas y nos centramos en los candidatos que tuvieron más éxito en las encuestas nacionales.

En educación En la economía En salud Sobre inmigración

En otras noticias:

Presión para extender el programa “Fair Fares” para personas en condición de discapacidad y para veteranos: Entre los usuarios que todavía esperan ser incluidos en el programa de Fair Fares se encuentran los usuarios de Access-a-Ride, el servicio de automóviles operado por MTA para los neoyorquinos con discapacidades que les dificultan o imposibilitan el uso del metro o del autobús. Lee mas.
City Stat

There were 
12,598 complaints to 311 during 2019 involving the word "odor."
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