Dear John,
This week is National Police Week when America takes time to honor the fallen officers whose names have recently been added to the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum.
In 2023, the names of 556 officers whose ‘End of Watch’ fell in the years of 2021-2022 are now memorialized at the Museum.
We want to thank the families and friends of all our fallen officers, and honor them for their great sacrifice and loss. We know that your sacrifice is a daily battle, as you feel their absence and cope with your deep personal loss.
For 20 years, at Act for America, supporting our law enforcement has been central to our organizations mission. Every year, activists across the country find ways to Back the Blue in their communities to show their love, appreciation, and support.
If these fallen officers could speak to us today, they would call upon us to encourage and affirm our family and friends in law enforcement today. They would call upon us to fight for them as they fight for us!