Our Revolution Howard County MD co-chair, Jake Burdett, was physically assaulted yesterday by Republican Congressman Clay Higgins for daring to ask tough questions to his insurrectionist friends Lauren Boebert and Paul Gosar.
Instead of arresting Higgins for assaulting a 25-year-old for just asking questions, Burdett was the one detained for questioning by Capitol police.
After the video went viral, a retired U.S. Army General and many others are calling for Clay Higgins' arrest for assault, but right now we’re demanding for his immediate resignation.
Sign our petition to demand GOP Rep. Clay Higgins resign immediately and be stripped of his law enforcement committee assignments. A criminal like Clay has no business being in government.
When he's not physically assaulting innocent Americans, Clay spends his time on the Homeland Security Committee – where he's supposed to keep us safe.
Tragically, Clay seems to think his job is protecting white supremacist fascists like Paul Gosar and Lauren Boebert from having to answer questions. He's wrong and has no business in the People's House.
Sign here to demand MAGA Congressman Clay Higgins to resign in disgrace for criminally assaulting an Our Revolution chapter co-chair!
When we organize, we win.
Our Revolution
