The IIIC Remains Resilient In Troubled Times
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. 
-- Elie Wiesel
The IIIC speaks out against the latest wave of attacks on immigrant and refugee families. Over the past ten days there have been a series of policies and decisions from the Administration and the Supreme Court that have put the safety of immigrant and refugee families at risk. We believe these decisions are wrong-headed, illegal, and cruel.

While there is a full list of egregious anti-immigrant policies, we highlight two examples of how the IIIC is protesting the injustices and two partner examples.

Public Charge Wealth Test to Proceed

The Supreme Court recently allowed the expansion of the public charge wealth test to proceed on Feb 24th which will limit access to green cards and visas for immigrants who need Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, Federal Public Housing and Section 8 assistance, cash assistance and for many on Medicaid (learn more about who is impacted here).

In response to the public charge wealth test expansion, the IIIC will do everything we can to support the immigrant families we work with who might be impacted. We are working hard to file as many applications as possible before the February 24th deadline. It is important that immigrants who have any questions or who are seeking to adjust their status consult with an immigration atto
rney. We offer consultations at our free weekly clinics.
Travel / Muslim Ban Expanded

The recent Travel / Muslim ban expansion impacts immigrants from Sudan, Nigeria, Eritrea, Myanmar, Kyrgyzstan, and Tanzania. We believe the Travel / Muslim ban is motivated by Islamophobia and racism. Learn more about the ban here.

In response to the newest Travel / Muslim ban, we will continue our work in solidarity with our Muslim neighbors by supporting Muslim immigrant and refugee families through our legal, wellness and education services. Additionally, our upcoming annual Black and Green gathering will focus on combating Islamophobia, anti-semitism, and xenophobia through allyship. We will be bringing these communities together to discuss the challenges we face, how much we have in common, and how we can work together to support each other. 

Detained Migrant Children Denied Flu Shots

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) is refusing to provide flu shots to immigrant children who have been detained at the border. This is a cruel attack on children. Despite doctors, community members, and local officials in California raising their voices against this, CBP still refuses to provide flu shots.

In response to CBP withholding flu shots from immigrant children, our good friend Jonathan Miller of the Office of the County Counsel for Los Angeles County, is seeking a court-appointed monitor to make sure CBP provides flu shots. Learn more here.

Expedited Removals of Iranian F1 students

It has been widely reported that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of expedited removals of Iranian F1 students, particularly at Logan Airport in Boston.

In response, the American Immigration Lawyers Association New England Chapter, along with the ACLU, and the Muslim Justice League have been leading advocacy efforts. We appreciate the good work of attorneys Susan Church, Kerry Doyle and Heather Yountz last week at Logan Airport.

As the Administration is ramping up their cruel attacks on families, we are fully committed to staying the course of our work and persevering. For every attack, there will be a compassionate and ceaseless response from our Center and community partners. 

We are working towards a world where all are treated with dignity and respect, and will work with families every day to bring that vision to reality. 

In Solidarity,
The team at the Irish International Immigrant Center

#TogetherForAll #PathwaysToNewBeginnings

The Irish International Immigrant Center is working toward a society in which all are welcomed and valued and enjoy equal opportunities and protections. The IIIC is a highly respected multi-service welcome center for immigrant and refugee families from around the globe. We assist newcomers as they integrate into US society by providing legal, wellness, and education services, working for systemic change, and facilitating cross-cultural community building and inclusion. | 617.542.7654
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