Friend --

I am inviting you to two important discussions! 

Tonight, the "Fireside Chat" of the LaRouche Organization will take place at 9 pm EDT, and continue the important discussion with Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity members Ray McGovern and Larry Johnson.  In the current escalating crisis of nuclear war, they will reveal more of the role of intelligence agencies in the assassination of JFK; the clinical insanity of the current wars; and the alternative road to peace.  To join the discussion by phone, call 267-807-9605, and use the pass code: 536662.

Here is the invitation to the 9 pm Fireside Chat:

"Multiple intelligence revelations about current history, recently provided by various sources including Robert Kennedy Junior, Seymour Hersh and others, have in the past two days,  been amplified to potentially devastating effect by the just-released Durham report. Though the report is flawed and does not recommend prosecution of those who committed a criminal fraud upon the American people, it has nonetheless clearly demonstrated the fraudulent character of the FBI’s orchestrating of aspects of the Russia-gate hoax against the American people. 
"When this is combined with the 'Twitter-gate"' files, and other matters that are coming to light through the Ukraine proxy war debacle, there emerges a picture of institutional wrongdoing which must be vigorously confronted to reverse the decline of the United States. But how might that succeed? Lyndon LaRouche insisted in his strategic policy paper, 'Politics As Art' that the citizen be provided  'a method for action, which contains the much-needed Classical alternative to today's real-life tragedy of our nation.' Tonight, former CIA officials Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern will discuss not only these recent revelations, but how to think about these matters from the standpoint of Classical tragedy." 

Tomorrow, at 8 pm, my Friday night "New York Symposium"  will follow up on my call for a serious investigation into the perfect storm making the cost of housing simply unreachable by more and more individuals and families --  not just in New York City, but nationwide.  What happens when renters and landlords and would-be homeowners are all standing on the same powder keg?   Remember 2007-2008?  How does an economy based on physical productivity really work?  Why do we need a global Glass Steagall to protect homeowners, renters, and legitimate banking from the next impending crash?

Join me Friday night at 8 pm!  

Friday May 19, 2023 Symposium: What's Happening with Housing and Why Glass-Steagall is Urgent



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