So far this year, over 380 voter suppression bills have been introduced or enacted across the country. 380.
To be honest, if we listed them all in this email, most email providers would cut the email short because it’s so long. So below, we created an animation that visualizes all of these tracked bills for you.

The good news is that Fair Fight Action knows how to combat and mitigate the anti-voter legislation, disinformation, and court rulings that confuse, suppress, and depress voters.
One way you can help us fight back is with a donation to this email. The small-dollar contributions we receive help us continue to track and challenge anti-voting groups and their legislation. If they won’t rest, neither will we — but we need your support to do this work.
So, will you please chip in $20 right away to fuel Fair Fight Action’s efforts to help every eligible voter make their voice heard — no matter how many bills try to stop them? With your support, our efforts can be stronger than the anti-democracy movement.
Let’s make 2023 the year of voter protection — not suppression.
In this together,
The Fair Fight Action Team