John, $35.71 is our average online contribution right now.
It might not sound like a big deal to some, but to us, it's pure gold.
That $35.71 represents the heart and soul of our campaign. It's a symbol of everyday folks like yourself, stepping up to make a real difference.
Not only are you investing in our campaign, but you're investing in Mississippi's future.
You're helping me fight back against corruption, bring integrity back to our state leadership, and put voters back in control of Mississippi.
Every grassroots donation adds up and brings us closer to defeating Tate Reeves. Trust me, we're going to need all the help we can get to end his self-serving career.
And with less than six months left until Election Day, it's crucial to keep our campaign momentum going strong.
This is our chance to show Tate Reeves and his rich buddies that they don't stand a chance against us. So please, will you match our average gift — $35.71 — or chip in any amount you’re able to?
Brandon Presley
