Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress


The moment Roe v. Wade was overturned, states immediately began rolling back the clock on abortion rights.

In Florida, a 6-week abortion ban was signed into law.

North Carolina just passed a 12-week abortion ban.

South Carolina just passed a 6-week abortion ban

Texas has bans in place that prohibit nearly all abortions.

Lisa believes that reproductive freedoms should be guaranteed and that health care decisions should remain between a woman and her doctor. But Lisa needs to know what YOU think.

Should abortion be legal?


This issue is extremely important. The longer we wait, the more bans far-right Republicans will enact. Lisa really wants YOUR input on this, everyone so please take this one question survey as soon as you can.

Thank you for responding,

Team Lisa

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester is a Democrat representing the First State, Delaware. She served as the National Co-Chair of the Biden-Harris campaign and Co-Chair of the DCCC ‘Red to Blue' program. Lisa is running for reelection to continue fighting for our health care, leading the charge toward environmental justice, and advocating for working families like hers.

Paid for by Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress

Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress
PO BOX 9767
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States