If Congress doesn’t act soon, America could run out of money to pay our bills as soon as June 1.

John, the clock is ticking.

Add your name! Demand Congress to pay their bills. Click here to sign the petition.

If Congress doesn’t act soon, experts say that America could default on its debts as soon as June 1 – that’s in one week.1

Let’s be really clear here: Defaulting on our debts would be unprecedented, sending our economy into a tailspin and costing millions of Americans their jobs.2

So what’s Congress doing about it? Holding our nation hostage as they push their own partisan agendas. They’re pushing us toward default and playing a cynical game of recession roulette – enough is enough.

Add your name: Demand Congress quit it with the political gamesmanship and finish the job of paying our bills.

Extremist politicians are putting us in danger of a recession and risking millions of people’s jobs in the process. 70% of Americans favor raising the debt ceiling to avoid default, and I’m one of them. Put partisanship aside and pay your bills.



We don’t have much time, so please don’t wait. Send your message now and tell Congress to put partisan politics aside and finish the job of paying our bills.

Thanks for taking action,

Casey Casey Shea
Content Director





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