Get to know the climate movement, XR and NVDA

Hello John,

There are lots of trainings and workshops coming up online. Here are our top picks for those new to the climate movement or Extinction Rebellion:

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Welcome talk

New here? Then join this introductory session where you can learn more about what Extinction Rebellion (XR) is, what we do and how you can get involved. The next session is on Tuesday 23rd May at 7pm and repeats weekly. Find out more

Graphic displaying text: Heading for Extinction and what to do about it

Heading for Extinction - and what to do about it

A great way to kickstart your journey! In this newly updated talk, you'll hear about the science of the climate and ecological emergency, and learn about XR’s approach to bringing about the change we need.


The next session is on Wednesday 31st May at 7pm and repeats every fortnight. Find out more

Graphic displaying text for NVDA training

Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA) workshop

Learn about civil disobedience, theories of nonviolence, practical skills and how to use your support systems. No experience needed.


The next workshop is on Sunday 21st May at 10am, and repeats in June and July. Find out more

Love and Rage,

Extinction Rebellion


PS See the full list of trainings here or follow the Movement Broadcast on Telegram for regular updates.


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