No member of Congress should be buying or selling individual stocks.

Hey team, as a U.S. senator, I’ve always advocated for high ethical standards—I was the first member of Congress to post their daily public schedule online, and I’ve continually supported and helped pass various ethics reforms.

That’s why I’ve joined my colleagues in introducing the Ending Trading and Holdings in Congressional Stocks (ETHICS) Act to ban congressional stock trading.

Will you sign on as a citizen endorser of this vital legislation that would ban stock trading by members of Congress?

The ETHICS Act prohibits members of Congress, their spouses, and dependent children from owning or trading individual stocks, securities, commodities, or futures.

This legislation is important. Lawmakers often have access to information that alters stock prices and moves markets. To keep politicians from manipulating this information for personal benefit, we need to ban Congress from trading.

I know politicians from both parties would rather I stay quiet about this, but Montanans elected me to defend our state and take on the special interests and massive corporations that are jacking up costs. So I’m taking action, and I need you with me.

With legislation this important, we’ve got to show my colleagues that there’s a big movement of grassroots support behind it. Can I count on you to add your name today to endorse the ETHICS Act and increase transparency in Congress?

No member of Congress should be buying or selling individual stocks. It’s not rocket science, folks. I, and every person in Congress, should be here to fight for our constituents and their interest, not for personal financial gain.

I appreciate you standing up today in the name of transparency.
