Dear John,

In Fez, survival rides on the backs of working animals.

In this ancient and unforgiving land, this has always been true. But it may never be more true than right now. We are in “recovery mode” after first, the pandemic, and now, inflation — which has increased the price of feed, fuel, medicine and medical supplies — basically everything we need!

If you’ve been looking for the best time to help, I assure you, it is now. Your most generous 2023 Fondouk Membership gift could not come at a more critical time. The economic health of this entire region is tied to the health of its working animals.

My urgent plea for your help is based on demand for our free veterinary care. This year, we will treat more than 12,000 horses, mules, and donkeys. In turn, they’ll provide the sole income for approximately 50,000 people.

So please, with all of my heart, I ask you to show your passion for animal welfare. I promise you that your gift will improve — and save — real lives.

With my deepest thanks,

Dr. Bob Coleman Signature

Bob Coleman

President, Board of Directors
American Fondouk

P.S. Fondouk membership means survival. With a line for care every morning, lives hang in the balance. To turn one away is unthinkable. Please be generous.

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