Now, back to Trump's smashing regulatory record.
I don't want to merely complain about a bad thing a politician did. That's a target-rich environment, and we have way too much whining already.
Instead, I want to aim at what his supporters believe this politician did, as opposed to what he actually did. Better yet...
I want to provide a solution that will make things better, no matter which politician is in office, so…
Here we go
We've all heard a specific partisan talking point promoted by Trump supporters. They tell us that Trump really did make an effort to "drain the swamp." They point to his regulation cuts for evidence. And you know what...
They have a solid case to make because Trump did indeed cut regulations at the start of his administration. But it's where you end up that matters, not where you start. So get ready because…
I'm about to tell you something shocking!
President Trump set a record for the largest one-year increase in federal regulations!
How can this be? Everyone says he reduced regulations.
The problem is that he was creating new regulations while he was removing old ones, and then, over time, he shifted to adding new regulations faster than he removed old ones. And finally, at the end of his administration, he began sprinting, adding more and more regulations, faster and faster. The following chart from the George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center tells the tale...