In the past 20 years, fossil fuel-powered cars have become ubiquitous. And with their rapid rise—largely fueled by car manufacturers and oil company lobbyists—has come increased climate pollution and a slew of health problems.
Fortunately, since 1975, EPA has successfully cut pollution from the biggest offenders in the transportation sector—cars, SUVs, and small trucks—through what's known as light-duty vehicle standards.
Last month, EPA released its newest standards... but there's something a little different about them.
I'm Medhini Kumar, writer and editor at Evergreen, and in our latest video, my colleague Rachel and I break down what these rules mean for climate and public health.
Regulating the pollution from light-duty vehicles is a big deal. Communities that were historically torn apart by highways and polluted by car traffic are some of the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. But with these standards, we can begin to turn things around.
Medhini Kumar
Evergreen Action