In closed countries and other tough places, people often have very little access to the basic items they need for survival. Most have also never heard about Jesus.

Right now you can help serve those in some of the most unreached countries on earth — reaching them with lifesaving help and hope.

Every $10 you give delivers $40 worth of essential items to people struggling to survive. Local staff teams and partners will personally distribute the meals, water filters, tarps for shelter, and more you help provide. At the right time they will also share the message of eternal hope with those who have never heard about Jesus.

Because the items have all been donated or purchased at deep discounts, your gift goes FOUR TIMES as far to deliver aid and create opportunities for the eternal hope of Jesus to be shared.

When you give to deliver aid, you help...

  • Assemble previously donated or discounted items
  • Ship lifesaving aid to closed countries and other tough places
  • Meet tangible needs of suffering people
  • Share eternal hope with those who might otherwise be unreachable

With wars, disasters, rising costs, and other issues increasing suffering for so many people around the world, your gift will make a significant difference by providing aid to those in critical need. Every $10 you give delivers $40 of essential supplies — and shares the hope of Jesus!

Will you donate today to help deliver aid to people who often have no other help or access to the message of hope?

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