World BEYOND War has been putting up billboards around the world. They've generated news, been used to create events, helped spark the creation of new chapters, and educated huge numbers of people.
This billboard has just gone up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, very close to where the Democratic Party will nominate a presidential candidate in July:
We need your help to be able to put the same billboard back up in July when the world's media, thousands of activists, and the Democratic Party's delegates are gathered there.
With your help, we hope to also put up messages of peace in Ottawa,
Canada, this spring during the enormous weapons show that we'll be
countering with our #NoWar2020 conference and week of actions.
We also
want to put up billboards in Okinawa in support of base closure activism, and in Tokyo during the upcoming Olympics.
We can only do this with your help.
Donate to our billboards campaign and be sure to mention in the comment box where you'd most like to see billboards.
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
World BEYOND War
513 E Main St #1484
Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
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