Hi John,
Did you know that 2023 marks 100 years of the battle against fascism in Britain?
That’s right, in May 1923 the first British fascist group was founded, sparking the beginning of the anti-fascist movement in the UK. That movement continues today thanks to you John and your support of HOPE not hate.
So, in order to commemorate the struggle against British fascism , I am delighted to present to you our new publication,‘They Shall Not Pass: 100 years of fascism and anti-fascism’.
This report details the stories of ordinary people who have done extraordinary things in the name of anti-fascism as well as the fascist groups who tried to change Britain.
We are offering a free copy of our new publication to those who join our HOPE Action Fund and support our work every month. The money will go towards our important work tackling the far right.
Will you become a member today and grab your free copy?

It’s been a big piece of work to get all this together and, as you can probably tell, I’m excited for our supporters, like you John, to finally hold this magazine in their hands and read about our movement’s inspiring history. This is a really special publication and a reminder of all the struggles of anti-fascists from years gone by. All the proceeds will go straight towards our campaigning work.
I look forward to hearing what you make of it.
Thank you for all that you do.
Nick Lowles, CEO of HOPE not hate