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Thursday, May 18th, 2023


Currency Debasement and Cultural Degradation

Doug Casey

Is Unlocking Closed and Indifferent Minds Possible?

Gary D. Barnett

‘God’ll Get You For That!’

Tim Hartnett

NSA and Pentagon Led the Creation of the Vaccine Says Declassified Documents

Ben Armstrong

Play it Again, Uncle Sam… Debunked Syrian Chemical Weapons Card in Ukraine

Finian Cunningham

Biowarfare Through the Food Supply

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Fed Up Yet?

David Haggith

US Debt Default: A Positive Outcome

Helena Glass

The Rise of the American Gestapo: Has It Already Happened?

Klark Barnes

Biden’s World: Navy Hires Active Duty Drag Queen; What’s Next?

Jon Rappoport

Former DEA Agent Details How the CIA Concealed Identity of Two 9/11 Hijackers Granted Visas to the U.S. From the FBI

Joshua Shoenfeld

The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Destroyed

Michael Snyder

Political Theatre

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