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Dear Friend,
Callum and I are just out of the Beehive bunker where we’ve
spent the morning poring over Grant Robertson’s sixth budget with
media and analysts before it is delivered in Parliament.
Summary: nothing
big bang spending wise other than free ECE for 2-year-olds. Tax hikes
for those with trusts, and at the fuel pump. The economic news is
better than had been previously forecast, but the government debt
figures are getting much worse.
There’s nothing game changing or visionary in this year’s
budget. Grant Robertson and Chris Hipkins have taken a scatter gun
approach to this year’s new spending. Dobs of cash here, there and
everywhere, but no major initiatives that are likely to shift the
electoral dial.
The first half of this email lists initiatives the
Government wants you (and the media) to focus on. The second
part is what we’ve found, and they don’t want you to
The headline initiatives (what
Chris Hipkins wants you to focus on) 😉
Here are the things the spin doctors in the Beehive are
- Extending 20 hours ECE to 2-year-olds (eventually costing
This is the
closest thing this year’s budget has to an electoral sugar hit. For
those with young families and working, it’s a boost to get back to
work. A less expensive way of bringing down childcare costs would be
to bring staff to child ratios in line with other OECD
- Scrapping the $5 prescription co-payments for everyone
Government argues that this will relieve pressure on the health and
care system by ensuring more people collect their prescriptions and
fewer have to go into hospital.
- Free public transport for kids – half price for teenagers
under 13 will get buses, ferries, and trains for free with under 25s
getting half-price.
- Cyclone recovery, infrastructure, and “National Resilience
Plan” (allocating $6b capital over the four-year forecast
expected, there is large capital expenditure allocated to Auckland
flooding and Cyclone Gabrielle recovery. The Government has also
announced a “National Resilience Plan”.
- 3,000 additional public housing places ($3.1b, $465m
operating over the four-year forecast period)
This is a
mix of community, Māori, and temporary (cyclone related)
- Investment in education to build more schools and
classrooms, reduce class sizes, increase teacher pay and tackle
truancy ($1.3b capital, $3.6b operating over the forecast
policies such as reducing class sizes haven’t been shown to have much
of an impact on attainment and paying teachers more is all well and
good is they are high performing, but it means the bad teachers get
paid more too.
The Gimmicks 🤡
It is usual in budgets to be crammed full of
headline-grabbing gimmicks to oil the political squeaky wheels. This
year’s budget is sadly no different:
- “Cheaper energy bills” i.e. subsidies for heat pumps,
insulation installations, and LED light bulbs
Government is expanding the “Warmer Kiwi Homes Programme” to provide
100,000 new heating and insulation installations, 7,500 hot-water heat
pumps and 5 million LCD light bulbs. That’s nearly one
Supporting the
growth (corporate welfare) of gaming
Government is picking winners by announcing it’s doing to video games
what it does already for international movie studios: Competing
against Australia for economically dubious ‘rebate’
- More electric vehicle charging
- “Investments” in Green Hydrogen and subsidies for trucking
companies to buy electric trucks
Yet again,
the Government repeats the claim that increasing the use of electric
vehicles “reduces emissions”. Of course, that’s not true. Any decrease
in transport emissions are simply made available under our
fixed cap emissions trading scheme for other areas to use. These
subsides simply make climate change mitigation more expensive that it
need be.
- Improving data on impacts on climate change, including
data on how climate change impacts Māori.
What Chris Hipkins doesn’t want
the media to focus on 🤫
As part of Ruth Richardson’s Fiscal Responsibility Act, since
1993 Treasury has been required to prepare independent fiscal and
economic forecasts twice a year (and just prior to an election).
So the first thing we do when we get into the Budget lockup
is to check the headline forecasts against the half-year update back
in December.
The numbers don’t lie
Despite better GDP and employment forecasts, gross debt
forecasts are skyrocketing.
The debt figures are starting to look ugly. Grant
Robertson’s speech would have you believe that the Government books
are rosy. Yes, Treasury are no longer forecasting a recession, and
unemployment is now forecast to peak less at 5.3 percent next year
(compared to December’s forecast of 5.5 percent), but that makes the
debt situation even more questionable.
Back in December, Treasury forecast gross debt to be $193
billion ($98,229 per household) or 39.9% of GDP by 2027. Just six
months later, the same officials are now forecasting gross debt to be
$214.5 billion ($109,171 per household) or 44.3% of GDP. That is an
alarming change for just six months given the economy is not expected
to be as bad between now and then.
The elephants in the room: the tax hikes that Grant Robertson
insists aren’t a tax hike 🐘🐘🐘
Do you have a family trust? So much for Chris Hipkins’
‘no tax hikes’ promise. Tax hikes for 1 April 2024
Yesterday, Mr Hipkins was saying that today’s Budget would
not be putting up taxes. Maybe Grant didn’t tell him, but today’s
Budget puts up the trust rate from 33 cents in the dollar to 39
In his comments to media, David Parker tried to frame it in
context of his recent ‘Nosey Parker’ report into the country’s uber
wealthy. In reality, it will hit SME-business owners who own their
family business via a family trust. For the uber wealthy, this change
will incentivise keeping capital within companies (which will soon be
paying a considerably lower company rate of
Do you own a car? Tax hikes for you in six weeks’ time
The Budget locks in tax hikes for motorists. From 1 July,
fuel tax will be increasing 29 cents per litre. That will return to a
situation where for many people (in particular, Aucklanders) more than
half of the amount paid at the pump will be tax!
And for all the talk of helping those most in need, fuel
taxes disproportionately hit the poor (who can’t afford electric
vehicles), or those who live in rural areas.
So much for savings and reprioritisation!
For all of Grant Robertson’s recent show of promoting himself
as some sort of fiscal hawk, the “Savings and Reprioritisation”
section of his 154-page Budget Document amounts to half a page – and
all of it has already been announced.
And of the $4 billion, a big chunk of it (c.$850m) is thanks
to efforts of your humble Taxpayers’ Union: the
dropping of TVNZ/RNZ merger, and the “re-focusing” (i.e. delaying) of
Three Waters. You’re welcome, Mr Robertson!
Is a return to surplus
The Government is making a lot out of the projection that it
will return New Zealand to surplus in 2024/25. But the economists we
spoke to in the lock up agree that this is very optimistic. It’s
forecast to be just a surplus and assumes no more shocks
(such as weather events). It also assumed that, like every year’s
budget, future governments will spend less on new initiatives going
forward. If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.
Friend, join us tonight to
discuss today’s budget with the NZ Initiative Think
In a few hours, our Chairman (former CEO of the NZ Institute
of Economic Research) Laurence Kubiak, and I will be joining Eric
Crampton and Oliver Hartwich from the NZ Initiative Think Thank to
discuss the Budget and economic data released. To listen in,
head over to our Facebook
or YouTube
page at 7pm.
Until then, we will have our head down continuing to work
through the material. Our comments to media on the budget and
individual initiatives are linked below.
Thank you for your support. For those interested, you can
read the full documentation on the Treasury
website here.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.
tax hikes and an LED light bulb. Nothing for middle New Zealand in
this budget
much for no new taxes
Cost of living be damned! Fuel tax hike from July will
hit lower income and rural New Zealanders hardest
Gaming Gamble
is greenwashing