Plus: A BIG #mnleg update

Healthcare is a human right: Speak up for immigrant inclusion

Dear John,

A BIG #mnleg session update for you, but first, a request: 

Healthcare is a human right. And there’s a bill moving forward at the legislature right now that would make healthcare more affordable for thousands of Minnesotans – the MinnesotaCare Public Option. But right now, there is debate about excluding undocumented Minnesotans from the bill. That’s wrong.  

Send a message to your legislators now. Tell them to do the right thing and ensure that that all Minnesotans have access to affordable, lifesaving medical care – regardless of immigration status. 

If undocumented Minnesotans are included in the bill, an estimated 81,000 Minnesotans would be able to access affordable healthcare for the first time. Other groups impacted by the bill include farmers, small business owners, freelancers, and young people aging off their parents’ health insurance. Learn more about the bill. 

Ok, now for some big updates!  

As lawmakers make their final decisions about bills in these last days of session, where they land will depend on how they answer this question: Will our elected leaders put us first? Or will they prioritize the demands of corporate CEOs? We’re tracking several bills and want to update you on key fights you’ve been part of: 

🤒 #PaidSickDays Bill 

Last night, Earned Sick & Safe Time passed in the Labor Omnibus Bill from the House and Senate and is on its way to the Governor! Thousands of you have emailed, called, written letters, and fought for a decade for this moment. #PaidSickDays will be the law in Minnesota because you kept sharing stories and never gave up. 

🏭 Cumulative Impacts Bill 

A big thank you to all of you who responded to our urgent action alert last week on the Cumulative Impacts Bill that would protect our lives, air, and water against pollution and environmental racism. Because of you, legislators received hundreds of messages at a crucial moment in negotiations, strengthening the geographic coverage, demographic scope, and authority of the bill.  

💊 Prescription Drug Affordability Board 

Last night, Minnesotans passed the nation’s strongest Prescription Drug Affordability Board to lower out-of-control drug costs. Because of patients raising their voices, the House and Senate majorities stood up to intense lobbying and campaign pressure from the pharmaceutical industry, including high-profile paid ads around the state and an attempt to sneak a poison pill into the bill.  

Last week, Minnesotans gathered on the Capitol steps to push back against corporate lobbyists’ attempts to manipulate our elected leaders. TakeAction leader Corinne shared a powerful speech about her stake in the fight for paid sick days. She said, “The fact that corporate interests are still more important than the lives of the people that work for them should upset everyone.” 

In the final days of session, thanks for mobilizing to make it clear to lawmakers: pass bills that put our lives first. 


Sabrina (she/her) 
Campaigns Director