with permitting reform
The debate on permitting reform, which is needed to speed up the clean energy transition, is heating up in Congress, and CCL volunteers will lobby on this issue next month. So, what are the proposals in play right now, and what will we be asking for? To answer these questions and bring everyone up to speed, CCL Senior Director of Government Affairs Jennifer Tyler recorded a new legislative update. Jenn said CCL's job is to "help steer this conversation in the right direction and get it across the finish line." What does CCL want? Permitting reform legislation must: • drive down carbon pollution by speeding up approval for good clean energy projects • protect the health and safety of American people and communities "Without those two things, it's not going to be something Citizens' Climate Lobby is going to be able to support." Watch the recording to get the complete briefing from Jenn.
In other news this week: • Last call for conference: Registration for CCL’s June conference and lobby day closes this Sunday, May 21. Don’t miss out on being part of the team heading to the Capitol to press for clean energy permitting reform, a price on carbon, and other climate solutions. Register now. • On CCL’s blog: Check out our recent posts about what’s needed to clear the clean energy bottleneck and how baseball can bridge the political divide on climate change. |