Conference registration closes Sunday; What's new on the CCL blog? Featured chapter: CCL Charleston, WV

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Weekly Briefing, May 17, 2023
Table of Contents:
Permitting reform 
Take action this week 
Featured chapter: Charleston, WV
Upcoming trainings 
Here's what's happening
with permitting reform 


The debate on permitting reform, which is needed to speed up the clean energy transition, is heating up in Congress, and CCL volunteers will lobby on this issue next month. So, what are the proposals in play right now, and what will we be asking for?

To answer these questions and bring everyone up to speed, CCL Senior Director of Government Affairs Jennifer Tyler recorded a new legislative update. Jenn said CCL's job is to "help steer this conversation in the right direction and get it across the finish line."

What does CCL want? Permitting reform legislation must:

• drive down carbon pollution by speeding up approval for good clean energy projects
• protect the health and safety of American people and communities

"Without those two things, it's not going to be something Citizens' Climate Lobby is going to be able to support."

Watch the recording to get the complete briefing from Jenn.



In other news this week:

• Last call for conference: Registration for CCL’s June conference and lobby day closes this Sunday, May 21. Don’t miss out on being part of the team heading to the Capitol to press for clean energy permitting reform, a price on carbon, and other climate solutions. Register now.

• On CCL’s blog: Check out our recent posts about what’s needed to clear the clean energy bottleneck and how baseball can bridge the political divide on climate change.

Take action this week 

If you have a little time: Share our latest legislative update video. There is a lot of permitting reform legislation out there right now, and CCL is working hard to steer the discussion in the right direction. Share our latest legislative update video to educate your friends and fellow CCLers about what we’re pushing for on permitting reform and how these updates are crucial to meeting our climate goals.

If you have more time: Attend CCL’s info session to get plugged in. You’re concerned about climate change and want to do something to help — but maybe you’re not sure how to get started. That’s why we host a weekly info session! Join the live call tonight at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT or catch the recording anytime. You’ll learn what CCL is all about and how you can move Congress forward on major climate action. Join us!

Featured chapter: CCL Charleston, WV 

CCL’s Charleston, West Virginia, chapter is a small but quite active group. West Virginia state coordinator Mark Tabbert says a “shining light” in the chapter is Dorothy Scharf, a volunteer who “generates ideas and does the follow-through.” 

Dorothy recently organized an Arbor Day tree planting at the Mary C. Snow Elementary School on the city’s west side. Dorothy (pictured above, left) and a local garden club member worked with students in the classroom prior to the event, teaching kids about seed germination and urban forests. The tree planting included two second grade classes and the city’s mayor, and the event earned a feature on the front page of the local newspaper, the Charleston Gazette-Mail. 

The chapter has also generated nearly 40 contacts to their members of Congress in recent months — a steady drumbeat of calls for climate action from Appalachia. Great work, CCL Charleston!

Have you logged your latest activities in the Action Tracker? Tell us what your chapter has been up to lately!
Upcoming trainings 

5/18: June 2023 Lobby Training #1: Primary & Supporting Asks - Join CCL's Vice President of Government Affairs Ben Pendergrass and Senior Director Jenn Tyler for a training that will review the updates and context for CCL's June 2023 Primary and Supporting Asks as well as guidance for lobby teams as they plan their online meetings. Join us!

5/25: Lobbying Basics: Transformative Power of Citizen Advocacy - Attend this session to learn about citizen advocacy, the advantages we hold as citizens in transforming our government, and hear stories from CCL volunteers around the country who demonstrate how citizens can build meaningful, long-term relationships with their congressional office. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

5/23: June 2023 Conference & Lobby Days Q&A - Join Alison Kubicsko, CCL’s National Events Manager, for a chance to ask all of your questions about CCL's June 2023 Conference & Lobby Day. RSVP here.

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.


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