Despite being the wealthiest country in the history of the world, America does not guarantee health care to our people. We pay higher drug prices than anywhere worldwide, and 100 million of us suffer from medical debt. That's why Our Revolution rallied today with Bernie Sanders and Pramila Jayapal to announce the reintroduction of Medicare for All! To build on the momentum, we're launching a new campaign to support Medicare for All and end medical debt.
Stand with Bernie and Our Revolution in our fight for healthcare justice, and we'll send you both a Medicare for All and an End Medical Debt sticker if you chip in $10 or $5 recurring!
We aren't naive: we know the flood of healthcare industry money and their army of lobbyists will do everything in their power to ensure Medicare for All doesn't get through Congress. However, President Biden can end medical debt with an executive order, making it a much more achievable goal. Our theory of change is simple. Hospitals are federal contractors who receive hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. That means the President can withhold federal funding from hospitals that hurt patients. President Biden can save families with his pen by stopping predatory collection practices that cause debt to spiral out of control. Help fund our campaign to end medical debt by pitching in $10 or $5 recurring, and we'll send you two powerful stickers calling for Medicare for All and the end of medical debt!
When we organize, we win. Our Revolution
