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Dear John,


I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to share an exciting update from North Carolina where school choice is on the march. 

As you may know, our CarolinaCAN effort is led by an amazing executive director: Marcus Brandon. From his time in the state legislature through his eight years as the leader of our campaign in the Tar Heel state, Marcus has made expanding choices a core element of his vision for the future. 

This year, he has worked tirelessly to transform North Carolina’s current education scholarships into universal ESAs, with 100% of students in the state having access to the program. The amount each family will receive will be based on their household income, with the grants increasing to $7,600 for students whose families are living at 210% or below of the federal poverty level.

I’m happy to report that earlier today that ESA bill passed out of the House, after having previously passed out of the Senate. There is still a lot work to do but we are closer than ever to achieving a remarkable step forward for North Carolina families. 

Please follow along with Marcus on Twitter for the latest updates from the field and I look forward to reporting back to you at the end of session.



Derrell Bradford
President of 50CAN
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