PPI Partners with Progressive Britain to Host Conference Featuring Labour Leader Keir Starmer

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) partnered with Progressive Britain to host their 2023 conference, Ambition for Britain, featuring Labour Party Leader Keir Starmer MP and leading center-left politicians and thinkers. As part of an ongoing dialogue between the U.S. and U.K., Will Marshall, President of the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), and Claire Ainsley, Director of PPI’s Project on Center-Left Renewal, led a panel discussion providing a global perspective on the need for a strong center-left alternative to right-wing populism and nationalism.
More from the Conference
Claire Ainsley, Director of PPI's Project on Center-Left Renewal: The centre left is on the up around the world. Here’s what Keir Starmer can learn from it
⮕ The Guardian
Is Labour ready? Ft. Claire Ainsley
⮕ The Power Test Podcast
‘Clause IV on steroids’: Keir Starmer says his Labour must go further than Blair
⮕ The Guardian
Starmer: We will go “further and deeper” changing party culture than New Labour
⮕ LabourList
Sir Keir Starmer pledges changes to Labour in order to 'reconnect' with working people.
⮕ Sky News
‘America Firsters’ pose a false choice on Ukraine
By Will Marshall
Founder and President of the Progressive Policy Institute
For The Hill

Republicans seem to be racing backward in time, resurrecting old tenets that defined their party’s outlook in the 1920s and 1930s: Christian fundamentalism, nativism, protectionism and isolationism.
Long discredited by events, these reactionary shibboleths are risen from the dead and lurching like zombies across the U.S. political landscape. We hear their echo in today’s red state crusade to stamp out women’s reproductive rights, the hysteria over immigrant hordes “replacing” whites and the Trump administration’s high tariff policies, which remain on the books despite having failed to reduce U.S. trade deficits.
The former president also dredged up the hoary isolationist slogan, “America First” to signal his rejection of key pillars of America’s post-war internationalist strategy — open trade, security alliances and the formation of world bodies dedicated to collective problem-solving.
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The Future of Schools: Part 1
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Dodging the Debt Ceiling, ft. PPI's Ben Ritz
In a matter of weeks, the U.S. might default on its debt. How could the richest and most powerful country in the world end up in that situation? PPI's budget maestro Ben Ritz joins the podcast to discuss the debt ceiling — why it exists, how it turned into a partisan fight, what Democrats and Republicans each want, and how we can get out of this mess.
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Staff Spotlight: Claire Ainsley

Claire Ainsley
Director of the Project on Center-Left Renewal
Claire Ainsley is the Director of the Project on Center-Left Renewal at the Progressive Policy Institute. Prior to joining PPI, Claire was the Executive Director of Policy to Keir Starmer, Leader of the Opposition and U.K. Labour Party. Claire also served as the Executive Director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, where she led JRF’s work on the social and political attitudes of people with low incomes. She is the author of "The New Working Class: How to Win Hearts, Minds and Votes," which was published in May 2018.