Today, a large group of Senate and House Democrats introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2023. Meanwhile, Congressional Republicans continued their push to rip health care away from millions of Americans.
These visions couldn’t be more different. Medicare for All’s supporters envision a future where Medicare is improved to include dental, hearing, vision and long-term care, and then expanded to cover everyone in America. A future without delays or denials, without copays or deductibles. A future where everyone gets the care they need.
Meanwhile, Republicans want to make our current profit-driven health care system even worse. They want to gut Medicare and Medicaid so that health care is a commodity reserved for the wealthy. If you are rich, you get the best care in the world. If you are poor, you die.
The best way to stop Republicans is to go on offense, with full-fledged support for Medicare for All, a system that leaves no one behind. Can you add your name next to mine as a grassroots co-sponsor?
When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act nearly a century ago, he said, “This law…represents a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means complete.” FDR hoped to build on Social Security’s old age insurance with universal health care, education, and disability programs.
Since then, presidents of both parties have come together to build on the foundation FDR laid in the New Deal. It’s time to take the next step in the New Deal and pass Medicare for All!
SIGN NOW: Tell Congress that we need Medicare for All!
Thank you,
Alex Lawson
Social Security Works