In just this year alone, Republican state legislators have introduced a whopping 14 bills targeting the LGBTQ+ community.  ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌  ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌  ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌
͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ 

John, today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Lesbophobia, and Transphobia, and I can’t help but think about some of the awful bills I had to veto this year.

In just this year alone, Republican state legislators introduced a whopping 14 bills targeting the LGBTQ+ community in Arizona.

We all know why they’re doing this, it’s all part of their extreme agenda: Divide and distract.

By introducing dangerous, dehumanizing legislation like trying to police school bathrooms, they’re trying to divide us and stoke culture wars.

By introducing bill after bill about banning drag shows and classroom books, they’re trying to distract us from the fact that they haven’t shown up to talk about issues affecting everyday Arizonans – like our growing teacher shortage and the looming water crisis.

I won’t stand for their hateful attacks, and I’m hoping you’ll join me today in sending them a message.

John, will you add your name today to join me in telling Arizona Republicans that their hate and deceitful tactics won’t stop us from building a state for everyone, including our LGBTQ+ friends, family, and neighbors?


Thanks for raising your voice with me. Extreme Republicans want us to feel beaten down and discouraged, but I know that if we stick together, we’ll stay strong and overcome their efforts.

— Katie