If you have not heard by now, I have some exciting news to share with you: I am officially running to serve as the next Mayor of San Francisco!
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Dear John,
If you have not heard by now, I have some exciting news to share with you: I am officially running to serve as the next Mayor of San Francisco!
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Serving the people of District 11 for the past six years, I have seen firsthand the challenges facing our city: a worsening homelessness crisis, unchecked drug dealing and retail theft, and rising cost of living that is pushing out working families. While I have worked tirelessly to bring people together to push for solutions like delivering oversight and mandatory audits to the $700 million Department of Homelessness, in order to truly turn San Francisco around it’s time for change and new leadership.
Since announcing last week, the outpouring of support has been incredible. Folks from all across the city are uniting behind our campaign of change and accountability. If you too think we need to turn San Francisco around, I would be honored to have your support.
And if you are a San Francisco resident, your donation can be matched up to 6:1!
Support Ahsha for Mayor! ([link removed])
Thank you,
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Paid for by Ahsha Safai for Mayor 2024 FPPC#1460439. Financial disclosures available at sfethics.org.
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312 Clay St. #300
Oakland, CA, 94607
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