EARN friends,
Many of you will be spending some or all of this month working through the closing stages of your state’s legislative session. We know this can be a hectic and stressful time, but never hesitate to reach out if we can help pull good policy across the finish line or help stop bad policy from making it there. In recent weeks we’ve provided technical assistance on issues ranging from child labor to unemployment insurance to minimum wages to gig work to collective bargaining to workers’ compensation. Reach out, and we’ll be here. And, when your session is over, please do drop us a line and let us know the highlights and lowlights.
It’s also the month where we all start getting invited to graduation parties. For my part, these invites are a mixed blessing, because each one reminds me how old I’m getting. Still, they may well be more fun than usual, according to work by some of our colleagues, because people leaving high school and college this year are entering the strongest labor market for young workers since 1953. They’re making higher wages and are more likely to find full-time work. On the other end of the generational scale, though, older workers are increasingly trapped in poor jobs that make them unable to retire.
Our work to build an economy that works for everyone must continue. We’re proud to be your partner in that work.
Dave Kamper
Senior State Policy Coordinator