This is a HUGE success, and we owe you a big thank you.
Dear friend,

We have BIG news! Survival has been campaigning to #DecolonizeCONservation for years, and following mounting pressure from the global media, Germany has frozen funds to WWF for Salonga National Park!

This comes after the revelations that WWF funds, equips and works directly with forces that torture, rape and kill people.

The news sets a powerful precedent for other governments and conservation non-profits guilty of funding such horrific abuse: Human rights and conservation MUST go hand in hand. 
Find out more...
It's a huge step in the right direction, and one which your support has played a crucial role in. And the good news continues – other investigations are now underway in the U.S. and UK into WWF’s involvement in atrocities against indigenous people.

But it's not just WWF or Salonga National Park. We're pushing for the EU Commission and U.S. to withdraw funding from Messok Dja in the Congo, where the Baka fear for their lives.  

We'll never give up the fight against human rights abuses happening in the name of conservation. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for making this work possible!


Alice Raymond
Survival International
Dede, a Baka man, talks about the abuse his people are suffering at the hands of conservationists in Congo, Messok Dja:

P.S. We reject government funding and shady corporate money so our integrity is never compromised. We rely entirely on your donations to keep fighting for tribal peoples worldwide. Please donate today. Without you, there can be no Survival.

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Survival International, 6 Charterhouse Buildings, London EC1M 7ET, UK | Charity no. 267444

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