Legislators want to study fertilizer bans - but do they already know what 'the science' will say?


As we write this, Gov. Ron DeSantis still hasn’t signed the state budget, nor has he vetoed line item 146 — which green-lights a one-year ban on new fertilizer ordinances while the University of Florida studies the matter.

VoteWater has joined dozens of conservation groups and others calling for a veto (click here to send an email to Gov. DeSantis). In part, we oppose this because we have an idea what the “study” is going to show.

That’s because UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) released a study last year, purporting to demonstrate that summer/rainy season fertilizer bans are less effective at nutrient control than winter/dry season bans.

And if this new study shows the same — will legislators use that as an excuse to try to ban fertilizer bans completely?

Read more in the latest Update from VoteWater
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ICYMI: Deep Dive - into deep 'doo-d00'

Our newest 'Deep Dive' investigation reports that while the Legislature just passed new rules to address the biosolids — the stuff left over after processing what you just flushed down the toilet — it's won't be nearly enough to solve the growing problem.

Check out our latest Deep Dive

Help kill this pro-sprawl bill

Florida Senate Bill 540, passed by the Legislature on May 2, has landed on Gov. Ron DeSantis’s desk - but conservation groups like VoteWater continue to oppose the measure, which would force citizens who challenge a local comprehensive plan amendment and lose to pay the “prevailing party’s” legal fees. Send a letter to Gov. DeSantis requesting he stand with the rights of his constituents and protect sustainable growth in Florida by vetoing SB 540.

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P.S. Signatures Needed! The "Right to Clean and Healthy Waters" petition needs 900,000 signature by November 30 to get on the 2024 ballot. The petition can be printed out and signed here: http://www.floridarighttocleanwater.org/

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