Upcoming Trainings/Event: Good afternoon Relatives, Below you will find CSVANW upcoming trainings and events that you, your team, your youth and/or your organizations may be interested in: Supporting Native Young People in Tribal Colleges and Universities: Addressing Title IX August 27, 2019 This training will address the limited access to information on title IX within Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) for both students, staff, and instructors. The training will focus on the following areas: Provide an overview of victim rights and laws, including federal and state laws, to better advocate and support young people affected by violence Provide an overview on how to support Native educational institutions on how to respond to the disclosure of SV from a young person (active listening, empathy, support) Explore strategies for improving response and coordination among tribal, state, and federal service agencies The target audience includes the following: Young people seeking higher learning TCU Education staff and instructors Direct service providers, case managers, and Tribal advocates. Registration Closes on August 23, 2019 Register Tentative Agenda Meet the Speakers Download and share flyer. Intimate Partner Violence Strangulation Training: An Important Training Designed for Medical, Health, EMT and Law Enforcement Professionals August 30, 2019 Northern Navajo Medical Center - Nizhoni Conference Room A & B 8:30AM - 12:30PM Strangulation is a significant predictor of future lethal violence. It's important for those working with survivors of intimate partner violence to understand implications associated when strangulation is present in intimate partner violent relationships. Gail Starr, RN with Albuquerque SANE Collaborative will cover: Enhance knowledge & understanding of the recognition & indicators of strangulation. Improve the response to victims who have been strangled. Maximize the capacity & expertise of staff to support victims of strangulations in seeking aftercare & support. David Adams, former Assistant U.S Attorney/Tribal Liaison, will provide information on the following: Investigate strategies. Report writing. Interviewing witnesses. Strategies for advocacy & working with victims. Register Southwest Butterflies Retreat September 20 - 21, 2019 This training will address the limited resources and spaces that are inclusive of gender and sexuality when working with Native survivors of sexual violence who identify as LGBTQ2s+. The Training will focus on the following areas: Provide an overview on gendered violence with insight towards murdered and missing Indigenous women and LGBTQ2s+ relatives Explore creative strategies restoring land-relations in our own Tribal communities The target audience includes: Young Indigenous people who identify as LGBTQ2s+ and outside the gender binary Youth serving direct service providers Members of Coalition Indigenous young people ages of 15-30 years old. Encourage participants to continue to advocate for our LGBTQ2s+ relatives Registration Closes on September 18, 2019 Register Tentative Agenda Meet the Speakers Download and share flyer. Recognizing and Responding to the Impact of Childhood Trauma Save The Date September 25, 2019 Registration will be made available soon! Workshop gives participants the opportunity to deepen our understanding of the impact of trauma on the mind, body and soul. A practical overview of basic brain function and impact of trauma on the brain’s organization, function and structure will be covered. Objectives: Participants will understand basic brain function and structure. Participants will understand the impact of trauma on brain function and structure with emphasis on the profound impact on organization of the brain and the profound impact related to self-regulation. Participants will develop an understanding of trauma responses such as hypervigilance and disassociation and identify intervention strategies. Participants will develop on understanding of how learning and memory are state dependent and will develop an understanding of the arousal continuum thereby impacting how trauma memories are stored and retrieved. Participants will explore the importance of physical activity, movement, music, art, animals and human relational connection in healing and integration/mastery of trauma. Participants will learn how to use a trauma informed lens to help guide interventions and the necessity for referral and to drive understanding and integration and trauma responses. Download and share flyer. If you have any questions on any of the upcoming trainings and event, please contact us: (505) 243 - 9199 |
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